The Canadian Experience...
Banff National Park
Banff National Park...
Hey everyone, this is going to be short and sweet blog post about Banff, AB which completely left me in complete and utter awe.
Banff is easily one of the most stunning and breathtaking locations I personally think in the world! As a photographer it was extremely hard to place my camera down, every corner or opening in the clutter of pine trees there was easily a photograph to be captured!
Just driving all the back roads and curious to see where we will end up honestly one of the best ways to explore an area you're unfamiliar with.
When driving back roads, well basically most part around Banff you will more than likely encounter quite the number of wildlife ranging from Elks, Moose, Deer, Squirrels and if you're truly lucky there's a possibility that you could encounter a Grizzly Bear. Unfortunately on my trip to Banff I did not come across any Grizzly Bears due to the season I was visiting in.
Although I did encounter some Elks, Moose and Deer on my 2 weeks stay in Banff.
On our Banff journey we stayed at the Banff Ptarmigan Inn which is a 3 Star Hotel located 337 Banff Ave, Banff, AB. The hygiene and overall cleanliness of our room was perfect and would easily rate it a solid 9/10!
Overall service and meals supplied from the Banff Ptarmigan Inn was highly professional, very friendly and extremely helpful! 10/10 for service and meals!
Highly Recommended!
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls...
When our two weeks of Banff came to a cease we flew from Calgary to Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls was not on my places to visit but I thought since i've travelled half way across the globe to be here might as well check the Falls out, and my god! Thankfully I did!
Photographs cannot do it's justice as to how large and completely breathtaking Niagara Falls are! Easily if you ever find yourself in or visiting near Ontario, Canada, Niagara Falls is a MUST DO!
If you're huge fan of either insanely large waterfalls or just purely love nature than Niagara Falls is right down your alley!
We stayed overnight in the hotel which goes by the name of Marriott on the Falls Hotel. Which is extremely updated with the latest design and is very cosy!
If you're on a budget and looking to save money Id like to suggest to you of not purchasing the fallsview room which can get quite costly but it is totally worth it!
10/10 rate for quality and cleanliness
8.5/10 rate for service
10/10 for overall experience